17th May 2022
Annual Town Meeting Tuesday 17th May 2022
Find Out What's happening in Biddulph
We want to use the opportunity of the Annual Town Meeting to tell you about the fantastic groups that work within our town and their future projects. Please use the Zoom links to join the meetings to ask a question or email us at office@biddulph-tc.gov.uk
10.30 am Biddulph Local People Project
Find out about this community group.
Click on the link to join the meeting:
Meeting ID: 849 8459 6901 Passcode: 527497
11.00 am Biddulph Youth & Community Zone
Antony from BYCZ will update us on this busy community venue.
Click on the link to join the meeting:
Meeting ID: 861 4539 7239 Passcode: 596052
12.45 pm Biddulph Library
After a period of lockdown and restrictions, the Library has lots to update us on!
Click on the link:
Meeting ID: 898 2488 2500 Passcode: 920273
6.00 pm Annual Town Meeting
Attend in person or view the live stream on Facebook
Presentation of the Annual Town Report followed by an overview of the Town Council Committees.
Click on the link:
Meeting ID: 859 1728 3483 Passcode: 297249